



东盟十国的商业机遇 (上)

作者:霍健明KEN哥 来源:外贸人家园 2021-09-29 16:01阅读量:

东盟十国的商业机遇 Unit 6 Business Opportun i ties in ASEAN Countries 【 1 】 陌生而重要的邻居 。 改革开放 40年以来,我们在大部分时间的大部分精力放在向欧美发达国家看齐学习,这在赶超阶


Unit 6  Business Opportunities  in ASEAN Countries





1Important yet unfamiliar neighbors. In the past 40 years of China’s reform & opening-up history, most of the Chinese people have worked hard to learn from the advanced countries like Europe and USA, a well-justified strategy in our “ catching-up” stage. As the new era of globalization unveils, mixing the overall growth with the suspicion,  it becomes the more necessary for us to spend more efforts to better understand the emerging markets, such as the ten nations of ASEAN.

2粗略统计,大部分中国人首次出国旅游目的地为亚洲国家(地区),特别是东南亚。而现实情况里,我们往往存在各种对东盟各国的迷思,比如认为他们都属于“国外”,所以他们和西方国家的民众差不多;他们都是”小国家”,我们是大国,经济实力强,市场庞大,所以,他们得让着我;和我们做生意的基本上以华人为主,和他们打交道,双方都体现出亲切感,所以我们和这些国家经商、从事文化交流,也和国内差不多就行了。如果我们让这些想当然得出的”迷思”一直引领着我们的思维甚至作为组织和个人的行动指南,很可能一不小心,就变成了“迷失”(AT A LOSS).

2According to rough statistics, most Chinese people travel abroad for the first time in Asian countries (regions), especially Southeast Asia. In real life, myths about ASESAN exist in many forms, to name just a few, like, they are foreign countries , therefore, more or less similar to the “Western countries”; as “small countries in size vs. China’s mega in terms of economic power and population, they should always listen to us;  the local business circle is mainly the overseas Chinese, who look very friendly and close, therefore, we can do business like in China. The above myths are such a product of  “take-it-for-granted”, once turning into the guidelines for our thinking and even actions by individuals and organization,  we will definitely AT THE LOSS!





3As the Chinese proverb goes, Far away relatives are not good as a good close neighbor. Only if we can start from the big pictures, while being hands-on to take care of the practical details in various aspects of culture and business, trying to understand the  important yet unfamiliar neighbors, or even one step further, their real thoughts, their rationale behind the actions and the roots and history, it becomes possible for us to form up the effective, warm, and sustainable cooperation in many different levels, such as international business, investment, and cultural exchanges.


4Equally both for the whole world and China therein, the new chapter has begun. After the announcement of Belt and Road Initiatives, China will have ever growing interactions with the emerging markets in frontiers like business and trading, investment, cultural exchange. It’s noticeable that the economic and cultural development, both in level of advancement and opportunities, interactions with China of  ASEAN countries are diversified, presented in various forms, various interests appeals, advancing in different speeds and methods. On one side, this picture is both important and yet unfamiliar  for us. 


说明:本文节选自《一带一路视野下的东盟十国:文化教育与商业机遇B & R, AND ASEAN, the culture, education and business opportunities.》第一章第五节 (厦门大学出版社2019年12月第一次出版ISBN: 978756157654-0。中英文双语。经两位作者许可发布,供广大读者研讨。)






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