



第二节 印度尼西亚的商业机遇(下)

作者:霍健明KEN哥 来源:外贸人家园 2021-09-29 16:58阅读量:

第二节 印度尼西亚的商业机遇 Unit 1 Business Opportunities i n Indonesi a 二、 商业机遇 Business Opportunities 【 6 】对外贸易。印尼的主要贸易伙伴包括中国、日本、新加坡及美国。印尼主要出口

第二节 印度尼西亚的商业机遇
Unit 1  Business Opportunities in Indonesia


二、商业机遇Business Opportunities




6Foreign trade. The leading trade partners of Indonesia are China, Japan, Singapore and the USA. The main export items are fossil fuels, machinery, transportation equipment and finished products while its major import items are machinery, electrical equipment and steel.


7】外商投资。大部分投资于矿业、金属、机械和电子、电力、气体和水供应、化工和制药以及食品等行业。在零售业方面,外国投资者包括法国的老佛爷(Galeries Lafayette)、泰国的Central、韩国的乐天(Lotte)、日本的永旺(Aeon)及崇光(Sogo)


7Foreign investment. Most of these investments go to industries such as mining, metals, machinery and electronics, electricity, gas and water supply, chemicals and pharmaceuticals, and food. In the retail sector, you will see the names of investors like “Galeries Lafayette” from France, “Central” from Thailand, “Lotte” from Korea, and “Aeon” and “Sogo” from Japan.


8】消费市场。根据波士顿谘询公司(Boston Consulting Group) 最近一项调查,中产阶层占印尼人口约35%,人数为8,800万。预期到2020年,印尼的中产阶层将增加至1.41亿人,占人口53%。鉴于印尼中产阶层不断壮大,金融市场业者、零售物业发展商,以至购物商场及百货公司等,都迅速作出反应,以满足中产阶层对整体购物体验及产品品种的需求及期望。外国投资者争相涌入,推动印尼零售业升级转型。在印尼许多大城市,包括首都雅加达、东爪哇首府(印尼东部枢纽)泗水、西爪哇首府万隆及北苏门答腊首府棉兰,现代化的零售设施日益成为城市景观的重要部分。


8Consumer Market. A recent survey by the Boston Consulting Group indicates that 88 million people, or 35% of the total, belong to the middle class, and by 2020, this number is expected to grow to 141 million, or 53% of the total population. In light of the surge in the middle class, the finance sector, developers of retails, shopping malls and department stores, have focused on satisfying the needs and expectations of the middle class in terms of shopping experience and product categories. Foreign investors have rushed in to upgrade the retail sector. In many big cities of Indonesia, like the capital city of Jakarta, as well as in Surabaya, the capital city of East Java and the hub for East Indonesia, and in Bandung, the capital city of West Java, and even in Medan, the capital city of North Sumatra, the modernized retail facilities have become an integral and important part of the city landscape.







9Business opportunities outside Jakarta and Surabaya. The developers of shopping malls and retailers, local and foreign alike, have gradually started expanding their business scope to the relatively remote areas and cities. Being the world’s biggest islands and occupying more than 17,500 islands, the main challenges have always been how to acquire a reasonable amount of key clients, or how to create a highly efficient solution for logistics. However, the fast growth pace of e-business in the country has provided not only tailor-made logistics but also adequate payment services.



10E-commerce. Indonesia ranks as number 3 in the Smartphone business market in Asia-Pacific, only after China and India. This growth will encourage the booming B2C ( Business to Consumer) e-commerce and the related services.





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