



第六节 文莱的商业机遇(下)

作者:霍健明KEN哥 来源:外贸人家园 2021-09-29 17:21阅读量:

第六节文莱的商业机遇 Unit 6 Business O pportunities in Brunei 二、商业机遇 Business Opportunities 【 6】油气丰富。文莱是东盟人口最少的国家, 国土面积狭小, 但 丰富的油气资源, 是国家的主

第六节 文莱的商业机遇
Unit 6 Business Opportunities in Brunei

二、商业机遇 Business Opportunities


6】The abundance of petroleum and gas. Brunei, as the least populated country in the ASEAN group with a small land size, is blessed with abundance of petroleum and gas which has become the main economic source and its output accounts for nearly 90% of the national GDP. Since Brunei ranks as the 3rd petroleum producer in the ASEAN group, following Indonesia and Malaysia, and the 4th natural gas producer in the world, its natural resources bring the country very high income per capita; therefore, Brunei is rated top 10 in the world, immediately after Singapore. 


7】The extent and scope of social welfare is so well-developed that it is also known as a country with “no tax”. Even though the country does not levy a personal income tax and capital gains tax, the standard corporate tax rate is 18.5%, while the tax rate applicable to oil and gas companies is 55%.



8中国投资。2014年,中国与文莱签订协议设立一个经济走廊,目标是在农业与食品生产领域创造约5亿美元的贸易和投资机会。2016年,中国银行获批在文莱开设首家分行。2017年,一家中国与文莱组成的合资企业开始管理当地最大货柜码头Muara Container Port。此外,中国最大的私营化学纤维供应商正在文莱兴建综合炼油及石化工厂,第一期工程的总投资额达34亿美元,预计于2018年底完成。

8】Chinese Investment. In 2014, China and Brunei signed an agreement to set up an economic corridor to create trade and investment opportunities in agriculture and food production of about USD 500 million. In 2016, the Bank of China was granted the approval to open its first branch in Brunei. In 2017, a joint venture between China and Brunei began to run the largest local container port - Muara Container Port. Aside from that, China's largest privately-owned chemical fiber supplier is building a comprehensive refining and petrochemical plant in Brunei, with the initial investment of USD 3.4 billion, which is expected to be operative by the end of 2018.


9】The oil and gas companies, telecommunications, transportation, energy collection and transportation industries in Brunei are monopolized by state-owned enterprises.


10】Foreign Investment. Brunei Economic Development Board (BEDB) has promoted Foreign Direct Investment (F.D.I.) in the area of halal, technology and creative industries, business services, tourism, and downstream industries for oil and gas. Brunei government has encouraged the introduction of foreign investment and technologies for the defined “Pioneer Industries”, such as agricultural products (herbicides and pesticides), heavy industry machinery for construction, chemical products, furniture and decoration industry, healthcare, food production lines, marine industry, information technology industry and textile manufacturing.


说明:本文节选自《一带一路视野下的东盟十国:文化教育与商业机遇B & R, AND ASEAN, the culture, education and business opportunities.》第一章第五节 (厦门大学出版社2019年12月第一次出版ISBN: 978756157654-0。中英文双语。经两位作者许可发布,供广大读者研讨。)




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