



第七节 越南的商业机遇(上)

作者:霍健明KEN哥 来源:外贸人家园 2021-09-29 17:23阅读量:

第七节 越南的商业机遇 Unit 7 Business Opportunities In Vietnam 一、基本情况 Background information 【 1】文化相近。中越两国山水相连,互为近邻,越南是社会主义国家。 历史上受汉文化影响也很

第七节   越南的商业机遇
Unit 7 Business Opportunities In Vietnam

一、基本情况Background information


1】Cultural Similarity. As close neighbors, China and Vietnam share borderlines along mountains and rivers. Vietnam is a socialist country. Historically, Vietnam has been influenced by the Chinese Han culture. For example, officials were selected through the Imperial Examination System, which was only abolished after 1919. Nowadays, you can see the stone monument for Jinshi ( the top few successful candidates in the Imperial Examination) in the Confucius Temples found throughout the country. As most of the local people practice Buddhism, they will practice the worship rituals, such as burning incense and praying to Buddha, in the 1st and 15th of the month according to the Lunar Calendar. Having a strong mind of ancestor worship, most of the people follow the common custom of worshiping the ancestors. Actually, the 3 leading teachings introduced from China, namely Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism, have all been the mainstream spiritual beliefs practiced in Vietnam.


2】Traces of French culture. Dating back to the colonial era, the local culture of Vietnam integrated with various foreign cultures besides China, namely the influences from Europe (France and Russia) and America. As a result, you may find eminent cultural elements of France in the southern part of Vietnam.

3】官方语言。13世纪时,越南人发明了本民族文字的喃字Chữ Nôm),同汉字混用以书面表记本民族语言的越南语,从此越南语进入了言文一致的阶段。在法属时代,在17世纪发明了罗马化的越南语拼音文字国语字Chữ Quốc Ngữ),用以表记越南语,因为易学,逐渐为越南人所接受。


3Official language. In the 13th century, the Vietnamese invented their own national script (Chữ Nôm) which was mixed with the Chinese characters in order to record the Vietnamese language. From then on, the Vietnamese language entered a stage of consistency between spoken and written language formats but in the 17th century, with the French influence, it adopted the Romanized Vietnamese phonetic alphabet (Chữ Quốc Ngữ) which was well accepted by the local people because it was easy to learn.



4】经济发展迅速。越南由于大量外资涌入,出口良好,国内消费旺盛。越南统计总局发布的数据显示,2015-2017年GDP增长6.4-6.8% 之间。越南经济快速增长,成为本地区增长最快的经济体之一。

4】Rapid economic development. The influx of foreign capital in Vietnam has increased exports and led to the booming of domestic consumption. According to the data released by the Statistics Office of Vietnam, the GDP growth in 2015-2017 ranged from 6.4% to 6.8%. The fast pace of economic growth has made Vietnam one of the fastest growing entities in the region.


5Motorcycle Kingdom. Vietnam has been known as “Motorcycle Kingdom”, because in major cities, motorcycles are the main means of transportation. It is almost a must-have for everyone in every family. However, most of the motorcycles are foreign brands, most of them are from Taiwan, Japan and Kore. The majority are “Made in China”.


说明:本文节选自《一带一路视野下的东盟十国:文化教育与商业机遇B & R, AND ASEAN, the culture, education and business opportunities.》第一章第五节 (厦门大学出版社2019年12月第一次出版ISBN: 978756157654-0。中英文双语。经两位作者许可发布,供广大读者研讨。)



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