作者:泛家居独角兽 来源:未知 2021-03-06 17:07阅读量:次
陶瓷行业解构者栏目对汉贝托先生(Mr.Humberto Valles)进行了专访,汉贝托先生作为ICC瓷砖的总经理,对于企业现状和行业的未来发展大势发表了自己看法与见解。
—— 陶瓷行业解构者-汉贝托先生与主持人霍健明先生 ——
K:霍健明 H:汉贝托
Quick questions with quick answers.
K:No.1,how would you describe your company in very short phrases or sentences?
H:We usually have different words, but simply : innovative ,unique, different, original, international,
K:NO.2,What would be the top 3 trendy products this year 2018。
H:I predict probably 75x150 will be a very very trendy product, 90x180 is also going to consolidate, and 60x120 will become the biggest commodity size,
K:NO.3,In your territory, What is your best promise potential in China?
H:It has the east coast areas near Shanghai where we have the highest concentration of stores, I guess people say it’s most international part of China, but we also have been successful in smaller cities, right now where we have most concentrated in eastern China.
K:Question No. 4, can you give your target growth rate of your sales revenue in 2018?
H:This will be hard to believe.we are planning and hoping to double our revenue on year to year, which is very hard to understand. we are still considered as a new company and will grow very fast. I won't be surprised if we are capable of doing it.
K:OK , congratulations.
K:Last question, No. 5, pls. use one phrase or sentence .
H:I will give you the exactly the same answer I have given to many people in answering the same question. I don't think 2018 will be in anyway different from any other year. It would be a year that would bring us challenges and opportunities, and many things are completely out of our control. It would be totally up to you, your brand to make it different.So, that is my simple answer. It won't be different from any other year. Completely up to you and your company to make it different by innovating, by changing, by adjusting, that would make 2018 different.it's going to be just another year.
K:OK, thank you for your time. I believe 2018 and the years afterwards will be one and after another successful year for ICC.