作者:泛家居独角兽 来源:未知 2021-03-06 17:11阅读量:次
March 29, 2018, i-media visited and interviewed Mr. Hamberto Valles, GM. O f ICC (China) in Foshan, China. Herein is the notes taken for the dialogue between Ken Huo ( the host of i-media ) and the guest on globalization, free trade and the
March 29, 2018, i-media visited and interviewed Mr. Hamberto Valles, GM. Of ICC (China) in Foshan, China. Herein is the notes taken for the dialogue between Ken Huo ( the host of i-media ) and the guest on globalization, free trade and the updates.
2018年3月29日, i媒体团队访问并且采访了ICC总经理,汉贝托先生(Mr. Hamberto Valles)。以下是对话记录,采访人霍健明(KEN HUO)和受访人谈到了全球化、自由贸易以及当前的一些最新热点。
KEN: So,Humberto, on the topic of globalization, right now, it looks like the trade warare looming not just in China or in the Pacific Ocean, but it looks like aroundthe world. What’s you idea about globalization, are you up to optimistic orpessimistic?
Humberto: Ithink I’m optimistic about globalization, maybe, in the case, Mr. Trump hasbeen a very special president. In his mind, the USA has been treated unfairly .And to be more specific , with Mexico, which is a huge trading partner andChina, recently they imposed a big tax to certain items, make trigger a trade war.Unfortunately nobody wins in this war, there’s not a winner, there’s not aloser . In our specific case, we are a true perfect example of globalization.The simple description of globalization is the increase of interaction betweendifferent countries and cultures, by flow of money, or ideas, or technology. Sowhen we came to China, in what we’re doing here, has worked well for all of ourcountries, has worked very well for the U.S, has worked very well for Mexico,and excellent for China. And there’s not a winner, there’s not a loser, we allwon in all countries. (Yep)
And I believe that that is the way itshould be, the knowledge, the wisdom, the products, the ideas, flows in alldirections in the right way. (Yep)
We started first by manufacturing in China,and moving those goods to USA and Mexico, and later we decided to bring all thetechnology and wisdom, and ideas, and creativity from these two countries toChina, to sell here, and has worked very well for us. That’s why we grew fromnothing to what we are now in very short period of time.
Having well over a hundred of showrooms inChina, and we have showrooms in all the countries in Bangladesh, in Israel , inThailand, in Indonesia, in Korea, and many people interested in opening the ICC concept. I believe in globalization.
在中国拥有了100多个店面,而且我们在其它国家也有店面,在孟加拉,在以色列,在泰国,在印度尼西亚,在韩国,而且很多人都对开设ICC 概念店面很感兴趣。我相信全球化。
KEN: So inshort, in this globalization out of your experience, that China is not the onlywinner, USA, Mexico are also the winners, they gain a lot from thisglobalization, and also as you mentioned just now, a lot of Asian countries orother countries out of Asia, are gaining from this globalization.
Humberto:Yes, yes, I think in our case, we all won. Recently, if we pay attention to thehistory, Mexico imposed anti dumping Case with China ceramics, so not to thecountry tile that is less than 6.7 (USD/SQM) something, that not getting toMexico , but it doesn’t make sense to me, now Mexico is importing these tilefrom India, at the same price, so itjust doesn’t make sense. We move a product, the soluble salt product the 4 dollars, 4.20,4.50, that China was expert of manufacturing these tiles, now we buy it fromIndia at the similar price, but the quality is lower, so it just doesn’t make sense.
是的,是的,我认为在我们这个例子上,我们都赢了。最近,如果我们关注历史的话,,墨西哥对中国瓷砖发起了反倾销,所以中国的瓷砖低于6.7美金什么的就不能出口到墨西哥了,但这在我看来是说不通的,,现在墨西哥以同样的价格从印度进口这些瓷砖,所以这是说不通的。我们以4美金,或者4.2,4.5 美金的价格从中国购买渗花类的产品,中国是生产这类产品的专家,现在我们却要从印度以类似的价格购买它们,但是质量更低,这根本就说不通。
KEN: Can Iuse these cases as examples, can I say there are 2 obvious losers, one, theproducers of quality products of soluble tiles in China, Second, the consumers,the clients in Mexico. Is that correct?
Humberto:Absolutely,absolutely, both countries lost,
KEN: EXCUSEme ,they use the same price ,the clients in Mexico use the same price, but theyget lower quality
HUMBERTO:Lower quality ! So , in this particular case, both countries lost, you know,and but it goes further down, it’s about politics, it’s about competition, it’sabout jealousy. And Not necessarily two country that going over a seriousmatter , there were so much politics behind these things and competition and soon . Now in the USA ,I can somehow understand that in the case these goods have been recentlytaxed, the people are not dumb. Both countries were somehow winners, but whenpolitics in a very strong minded new president trying to make somethingdifferent and unique,in the case of MR.Trump wants to ,even by the advise ofmany of his close allies from the same political group saying “ don’t do itbecause we are gonna lose”, we are gonna lose and ,we will see what will happeni hope nothing bad but .
KEN:We canonly hope for the best but we still have to prepare for the worst , thispresident is more and more surrounded by more and more hawkish persons.
HUMBERTO:Itwill be interesting to see I guess many people is like “OK let’s see what happens “ because I don’tthink that nothing good is gonna come out of this ,hopefully they will sooncome to an agreement ,we will see . In his mind he thinks that USA was somehowtreated a little bit unfairly, in their case it happens sometimes when you don’tplay the game fairly, and someone is acting out of the law or unfairly, usuallysomebody gets hurt, and this a little bit happens with MEXICO, and this anti dumping case with soluble salts (tiles) . Many people moving tile doing weird thing with the invoicing , invoicingtile at 2 USD ( per SQM) when the realprice was 4 . just pay less taxes, andthen we are the largest importer of ceramic tile and we were doing everythingby the book, clean and legal . It was sad because I started this business, and it was sad ,that suddenly we stopmoving this couple of hundreds of containers of this products to Mexico, wentto nothing ,and we have to move that to India , good for India, bad for China .And our customers unfortunately get a product that is lower quality, it looksmaybe the same ,but China definitely still have the better quality on thisproduct.
KEN:So , let’sput it like this ,get rid of the so called zero-sum game mentality, we stillbelieve that globalization is the best solution for the better welfare for thepeople in different countries.
HUMBERTO: Ofcourse ,in all the countries. If it’s done fairly ,it’s a good thing, has worked very well for us, we are a perfectexample, actually , I wrote a little bit about this on the newspaper, yesterday, today is Friday, it’s a hot topic rightnow.
KEN:It’s abig topic,so let’s see what could happen and what is the best outcome we canachieve out of this difficult time.
Humberto, thank you for your time and yourvery insightful ideas. Thank you!
HUMBERTO: wewill wait and see ,Xiexie!